Faculty of Science

The College of Science includes 13 departments:

1- Department of Mathematics
2- Department of Physics
3- Department of Chemistry
4- Department of Geology
5- Department of Botany
6- Department of Zoology
7- Department of Entomology
8- Department of Biochemistry
9- Department of Geophysics
10- Department of Microbiology
11- Department of Petroleum Geophysics
12- Department of Nanotechnology and Science
13- Department of Biophysics

Vision of the Faculty of Science:

The College of Science seeks to be a beacon for basic sciences and a distinguished center for teaching and research expertise that enlightens the community and to be at the forefront of science colleges locally and regionally.

Objectives of the Faculty of Science:

The program aims to create distinguished education in the field of microbiology and biochemistry through:

1- Providing the graduate with knowledge and skills in the fields of microbiology and biochemistry that are not available to him in other universities.

2 – Establishing a new system of specialized studies at the undergraduate level in the Faculty of Science at the university to comply with the needs of the local and regional labor market.

3- Finding channels of communication and cooperation with Egyptian ministries and agencies related to microbiology and biochemistry.

Faculty of Science message:

The Faculty of Science, Menoufia University offers study and research programs of an academic and applied nature that are consistent with quality standards and ethical charters and provide the community with distinguished scientific cadres in various fields of basic sciences able to compete in the local and regional labor market and contribute to the development of the environment and the advancement of the homeland

The study system in the Faculty of Science:

The study period for obtaining a bachelor’s degree is four academic years or according to the credit hour system.
A graduate of the Faculty of Science is granted the title of scientific specialist in the field of specialization after obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Science, and it is a title for graduates of the Faculty of Science only.

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