The center can control her profile completely and add the center profile electronically, including contact information, website, and others.
The center obtains the “Accredited Training Center” badge and the logo of the accredited training centers
The training center page includes details of its accreditation, accreditation certificate, accreditation code, accredited training courses, accredited trainers, and upcoming course dates
The Training Center can add the dates and venues of upcoming courses to appear on its page and on the upcoming courses page on the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) platform.
Allowing participants to register in the approved courses of the training center through the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) educational platform
The training center can share its page, which includes its accreditation file and profile, when announcing its courses
Benefit from the services of the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) community, communicate with trainees, create a group that includes trainees in each course, and participate in general and specialized forums on the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) educational platform
Notices from all registered trainer courses accredited by the European University of Science and Technology (EUST)
The possibility of marketing the training courses of the training center through the ambassadors of the European University of Science and Technology (EUST)