Why do training centers get international accreditation?


Having your center obtain international accreditation from the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) opens up many prospects for you in the world of training, the most important of which are:

Register on the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) platform as an accredited training center and take advantage of the advantages offered by the platform for accredited training centers and trainers.
Networking with many internationally accredited trainers in accordance with international standards in many countries, which opens new horizons for the institution for training around the world and increases investment opportunities in training.
Granting participants in the training courses of the accredited training institution certificates issued by the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) verified and internationally documented according to international examinations through the university platform bearing the logo of the accredited training center.
Many governmental and private centers and international organizations request, when issuing training bids, trainers who have obtained accreditation from accredited international accreditation centers, and obtaining international accreditation for your center makes it easier for your center to communicate with internationally accredited trainers in all fields of training through the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) educational platform This allows the center to participate in these bids.
Benefit from the advantages of the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) platform, after the center has approved at least three training packages to be approved in the name of the center, with the possibility of adding training courses for these bags on the platform and activating them to be submitted online, and the center obtaining a return of 50% of the asynchronous online training revenues ( courses registered on the platform).
Obtaining an international accreditation certificate in the name of the center verified through the international verification website and through the training center page on the platform of the European University of Science and Technology (EUST).
The training center provides training courses for participants that are internationally accredited according to international standards, starting with the training bag, passing through the trainer, then the training center, then providing an exam for the participants in the courses through an accredited examination center to obtain an accredited international certificate.
Double the resources of your center by increasing its opportunities in the wide world of training through its investment in the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) label.

Accreditation benefits


The issuance fee for internationally accredited certificates for participants in accredited courses is free, and they are issued pursuant to final examinations on the platform of the European University of Science and Technology (EUST).
Standardized examination fees for all courses accredited by the European University of Science and Technology (EUST).
Achieving international quality standards for certificates according to the standards of the European University of Science and Technology (EUST), as they are sequenced from an accredited training bag, an accredited trainer, and an accredited training center. They are issued under an accredited exam, and they are documented and verified electronically around the world.
An obligation with the coach that does not entail any legal consequences
We work together as one team to attract trainees, as courses are announced and registered for through the platform.
Benefit from the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) community similar to the Facebook system to communicate with trainees, create their own groups and participate in forums
Enable registration for participants in accredited training center courses through the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) educational platform
Documenting the accreditation of the training center through its own page on the educational platform of the European University of Science and Technology (EUST), which includes accredited training packages, accredited trainers, control of the dates of upcoming courses, and the ability to register in them.
Registration of participants in accredited courses for accredited training centers through the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) educational platform
Adding online training courses through the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) platform from approved training packages and making money
Ease of contracting with trainers accredited by the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) educational platform
International accreditation of training packages for centers (at least 3 training courses)
The possibility of the accredited training center obtaining the privilege of a liaison center and an examination center accredited by the European University of Science and Technology (EUST)
Accreditation of trainers is open to the name of the training center within the accreditation fields of the center

The training center page on the platform of the European University of Science and Technology (EUST)


The center can control her profile completely and add the center profile electronically, including contact information, website, and others.
The center obtains the “Accredited Training Center” badge and the logo of the accredited training centers
The training center page includes details of its accreditation, accreditation certificate, accreditation code, accredited training courses, accredited trainers, and upcoming course dates
The Training Center can add the dates and venues of upcoming courses to appear on its page and on the upcoming courses page on the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) platform.
Allowing participants to register in the approved courses of the training center through the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) educational platform
The training center can share its page, which includes its accreditation file and profile, when announcing its courses
Benefit from the services of the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) community, communicate with trainees, create a group that includes trainees in each course, and participate in general and specialized forums on the European University of Science and Technology (EUST) educational platform
Notices from all registered trainer courses accredited by the European University of Science and Technology (EUST)
The possibility of marketing the training courses of the training center through the ambassadors of the European University of Science and Technology (EUST)